Lutreinites have names consisting of a personal name, several middle names, and a family name. They have two to four middle names with more middle names correlating to a higher social standing. Personal names are unique within a family and are chosen more for aesthetic than meaning. Family names are passed from mother to child. Upon marriage, husbands take their wife's family name. In some circumstances the more prestigious family name may be taken.
Middle names are drawn from personal names within a family or from historical figures. These names are chosen based on qualities the person held in life that parents wish the child to embody. There is no taboo against repeating middle names and some names can appear throughout families for generations.
Lutrein is ruled by a royal family whose line is followed matrilineally.
As a large and long country, the climate of Lutrein has a wide range of temperatures. The north is a permanently frozen tundra and sees little snowfall while the very southern tip is covered in tropical rainforest.